Scott Pohl

Breaking Out of a Bowling Slump

Scott Pohl
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Duration:   3  mins


Slumps happen. Everyone goes through these frustrating stretches of time that leave begging the question: “What do I need to do to get back to bowling my best?” In this premium video lesson, Scott Pohl, owner of On Track Pro Shop, explains a process that will get you back to bowling your best before your next game.

Find a Coach

If you do not have a coach, get one. You need an extra set of eyes to watch your game and diagnose where things might be going wrong, whether it might be your equipment choices, your physical technique, or your frame of mind while bowling.

Record Yourself

Set up a camera directly behind yourself or on your bowling-arm side to record yourself bowling. These angles will display the majority of inconsistencies in your physical game.

Slump 1

Back to Basics

Keep it simple. There are basic areas of everyone’s game that slip from time to time, including:

Set up
Push away

Breakpoint 1

Take a Break

Call in the substitute or skip the next tournament. You can not bowl at your best if you’re frustrated. Clear your mind and come back with a better mind set. Coach Pohl also recommends reading up on mental preparation during this time off.

Visit the Pro Shop

If your fit needs to be adjusted or you’re missing a bowling ball that reacts differently, not much of the above matters. Visit your pro shop and describe your game before the slump occurred and what’s happening during the slump and you’ll likely get some new suggestions to consider.

Our mental game library is a great resource for more information on working your way out of a slump and getting back to your best.

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