Footwork Direction Drill
Richard Shockley & Dan TriskeDescription
Keeping your starting board on the bowling approach and your sliding board at the foul line as close to the same board is ideal, but not required.
Check out our article “Do You Drift On The Approach” to learn more.
For the purposes of this instruction, Gold Coach and Bowler Development Lead at Bowlersmart Richard Shockley and Silver Level Coach Dan Triske aim to help straighten your footwork.
Straightening your footwork helps with repeatability in shot-making. The feet follow the arm swing and if they are not in alignment, issues arise.
The Setup
You first need to know where you start on the bowling approach and where you slide at the foul line.
Have a coach or friend place a little piece of painters tape on the bowling approach (with permission) where you step when you take your approach. Place the little piece of tape where the inside of your foot touches the approach.
Then put a long piece of tape straight up to the board you want to finish on. It is important to note that the long piece of tape does not go all the way to the foul line. This helps avoid injury while sliding.
Doing the Drill
This drill is meant to be done with repetition. Grab a soft ball instead of the bowling ball and save yourself some unnecessary fatigue.
Walk up onto the bowling approach with your soft ball, get into your starting position and try to walk the line.
Do it until you’re comfortable with the result.
Check out this before and after. This drill reduced an eight board drift to one board.
Keeping your steps straighter will help your arm swing remain straight and the bowling ball at the point of the release will be closer to your foot.
All of these things increase your ability to hit your target constantly, ultimately increasing your average.
Check out more great videos from National Bowling Academy on Footwork During the Bowling Approach and Lane Play to keep your skills sharp out there.