Improve Your Grip with Rosin
National Bowling Academy EditorsDescription
Rosin alleviates your hand from squeezing the holes in a bowling ball and helps to reduce grip pressure. Squeezing the bowling ball is bad for your game. In this free video, Scott Pohl, owner of On Track Pro Shop, explains the differences between rosin bags and how they can impact your game.
Proper Fit
To ensure a proper fit, put your fingers and thumb into the bowling ball and place it on the side of your body.
The bowling ball should stay in your hand without your assistance. If you are unable to do this, your fit is incorrect and it will affect your bowling technique.
Even if your fit is correct, your hand size will change based on the environment you’re bowling in. The change in seasons or a location change from humid to dry will impact your grip. The finite adjustment must be made to get the ball to feel just right in your hand, and rosin bags will come in handy when your bowling ball feels too loose or too tight.
Puff Ball
Bowlers with dryer hands that feel like their bowling ball is a little loose that given day should use the Puff Ball.
It provides a chalky feel and is again designed for bowlers with dryer hands.
Grip Sac
Bowlers with clammy or sweaty hands that feel like their bowling ball is a little loose on a given day should use the Grip Sac.
It will help keep your hand dry if you perspire and reduce grip pressure.
Check out Bowlers Tape 101 and Wrist Supports and Their Features for more tips to help improve your release.
Hi, Scott Pohl here. Two time PBA Champion, and I'm coming with you with a very simple product you can get at any Pro Shop. And if they're not even open, you know what? I guarantee you the vending machine will have it. It's called Rosin.
Well, what does Rosin do? It gives us a consistent feel inside the holes to have a good release. Number one, to have less over gripping of the ball or squeezing, which causes bad shots. Guess what? There's different kinds of Rosin.
First of all, let's take a look at some examples. So what I have here in front of me is what's known as a Puff Ball. All right, the Puff Ball typically works better for the drier type of hand. Why is that? Well, if we put this kind of Puff Ball on someone who has a lot of perspiration in their hand or a lot of moisture, makes it extremely chalky and it's hard to release the ball.
I'd recommend it if your hand is a little bit drier in general, use the Puff Ball. Alright. Conversely, we have another one over here which is the Dryer Grip Sac, or Grip Bag some people call it. This one works better for that one who has a little bit more of a wet hand, a little more perspiration. It'll help dry it and get it nice and easy to get out of that ball consistently.
Last but certainly not least is just the simple pouch. This is what you see a lot of players use as well. This is very good. Keeps it nice and simple in a smaller size. What I'm gonna do is actually show you just an example, some people only use for their fingers or their thumb.
Real simple application. So, just open up the bag. You can just simply put your thumb in there a little bit, and you're ready to go throw the ball. Now, a lot of people don't like putting that much stuff on the thumb. It'll catch a little bit, they won't clear the ball right.
Some people only like to use in the fingers. You see this on the Pro Tour a little bit. For example, Wes Malott before his shots almost always uses his Rosin. He goes to the Rosin bag just to have a nice consistent feel. Another nice thing about Rosin is, you know what, it's very inexpensive.
It doesn't cost much to try out a Rosin bag. On average, $5 to $10. Hey, $5 to $10, if we can improve our bowling, why not give it a try? Stop by your local Pro Shop, talk to them about Rosin, sometimes they'll even let you try out some samples, see what works for you.
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