Increase Your Revs
Scott PohlDescription
In this premium video, Scott Pohl, owner of On Track Pro Shop, walks you through the stationary drill, which takes the rest of the approach out of the equation, allowing you to dissect just the release with this drill at the foul line.
Thumb and fingers out at the same time
Your ball rolls end-over-end when your thumb and fingers exit out of the bowling ball at the same time.
This limits your rotation and needs to be avoided when attempting to maximize the revolutions you impart on the bowling ball. However, this rotation can be useful when throwing at spares.
Normal hand position
A key to a good release is remembering not to try so hard to make the bowling ball hook. Sounds counterintuitive, but it’s true, less is more. Relax your fingers in the bowling ball, and do not squeeze. Do not come over the top of the ball as you release it, this will make it spin, not hook.
30º – 45º degrees of rotation is considered to be a normal release. The thumb exits the ball first, and you can see the increase in revs immediately.
Cupped wrist and Bent Elbow.
By cupping your wrist, your hand is located further underneath the ball. At the point of the release, this will create more revs. Bending your elbow will help create a whipping motion and add even more power to your game.
Check out “Axis Tilt and Axis Rotation: Bowling Release Adjustments” and “Advanced Release Techniques” to learn more about the release and how it can improve your game.
Hi there when I'm out at events coaching or even in the pro shop working, I've asked a lot, how can I create more revs on the ball? There's a lot of different ways to do this. We'll show you how it happens. OK. My name is Scott Pole.
I'm a contributor of the National Bowling Academy. What we're going to do in this video is get out there and give you numerous ways how you can increase your revs. Let's go check it out. First of all, you want to make sure that you can increase the rotation of the fingers. What happens there?
You get a quick exit of the thumb hole and the fingers are definitely at the bottom of the ball, at the release point, getting a little bit closer and how a drill will help you. We're going to show you right now the stationary drill, we're going to show you some good ways, bad ways how to make this happen. First of all, here's an example when the thumb and the fingers come out at the same time and we do not get many revolutions on the ball. You can see it's very flat nothing happens on the lane and the ball doesn't move at all. Moving on from there.
We're going to show you an example of where we just have kind of a normal wrist position fairly flat, but the thumb does exit the ball first and we get a nice release with some good revs on the ball. Well, I get asked a lot, how can I create more revs what we can do here in this example is actually have a cupped wrist. What this does a lot more power underneath the ball with more revolutions as we release the ball on the land, another way to even create more revs. And this example is with a cup wrist and a bent elbow, it actually creates a lot more power when we let go of the bowling ball, a big important thing to consider to create more revs also is to have a good fit of the bowling ball with a relaxed hand and a fast exit with our thumb out of the ball. For example, if we think of two handers, why do they create so many revs so fast?
Well, their hand is under the ball and it comes out at a very late possible moment at the release and the thumb isn't in there at all. So the thumb exit doesn't even matter which is why two handers get a lot more revolutions on the bowling ball most of the time than one handers, right? So we showed you a lot of ways on the lanes through some drills, getting the right fit, getting out of that ball, nice and clean, especially fast. We even showed you why two handers create a lot more revs on the ball. I hope you can get out there.
Some of these aspects will help you practice it a little bit. I guarantee your rev rate will increase.
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