Lane Shine: Why Is It Important?
National Bowling Academy EditorsDescription
Ronald Hinkland Jr., CEO of Creating the Difference, did a test with National Bowling Academy to demonstrate how quickly a bowling ball experiences “lane shine.” Lane shine changes the bowling ball’s surface while adding scuff marks, making the bowling ball appear dull and dirty.
The Test
We took a freshly surfaced bowling ball, scanned it using a ball surface scanner, and the result was 2500 grit.
We then took that bowling ball down to the end of the lane and threw it in the gutter. It then rolled to the backstop and went through the ball return system.
The bowling ball never touched the lane. We repeated this process 13 times. Below are the results of three separate scans on the same bowling ball after 13 shots. The three scans are of different areas on the bowling ball. The third scan is of the bowling ball track, the area that touches the lane, which in this test, it never did.
After 13 shots, the bowling ball surface changed from an average grit of 2500 to an average grit of 4300. This greatly impacts performance. Your bowling ball will now roll longer and hook later.
What can be done about lane shine?
First things first, wipe your bowling ball off after every shot thrown with a dry towel, per the new USBC rule. Bowling ball maintenance needs to happen after you are done bowling, every time. Finally, every three to six games, apply the desired surface to your bowling ball.
The main focus of Creating The Difference is to develop the sport of bowling by sharing education through their products while providing information designed to help bowlers. After watching this video, you now know bowling ball maintenance is an absolute must to remain competitive. Check out all of the products used in this video and more at ctdbowling.com.
For more great bowling instruction watch “Understanding Bowling Lane Oil Changes” and “Bowling Style Identified by the Track on your Ball” from National Bowling Academy expert coaches.
Products used in this video:
CEO, Ronald Hickland from Creating The Difference. I want to talk to you about lane shine and why it's important. So a lot of times people assume that the lane shine or the bowling ball changing surface actually happens from the lane. Actually, what happens is the bowling ball has to go through all of the systems to come back to you. The ball return, the carpet, the accelerator.
All of those frictions creates friction on the bowling ball. That friction ultimately ends up making the bowling ball change the surface from wherever you started to to a final surface where it's going to lane shine. What I want to do is I want to talk to you a little bit about how we did a test to kind of prove that. We took a bowling ball and we actually just threw it in the back of the lane. We never let it hit the lane.
As a result of doing that, we were able to capture roughly about a game worth of shots. We were able to get the surface of the bowling ball before and now. The before scan's going to show you here, you're going to see we're right around 2500 grit. Now we're going to take the bowling ball that we just got back from the last shot and we're going to take a scan and see what it is right now. What this device is it's a surface ball scanner.
It's going to tell us the surface of the bowling ball and we're going to able to get a good peek at what it looks like. You can see here from the numbers here, it says 4280. We're actually going to rotate the ball in several different locations and orientations. Why that's important is obviously the bowling ball rolls around a lot on the lane, as well as in the backstop. 4293.
What you're seeing is it doesn't matter where we put the ball. Let's go specifically on the track. We know the bowling ball would roll right about here. So we'll roll right there in the track. 4306.
So the bowling ball is very, very consistent all over the bowling ball. Not just the part that actually touches the lane, which is the track. Now you say, well, that's great but then what can I do about that? So there's two things that you could do to help mitigate or minimize the impact of lane shine. The first thing you want to do is clean your bowling ball because if you don't clean your bowling ball, it's going to get dirty and that dirt's going to negatively impact your reaction.
We're actually going to take the bowling ball here. I'm going to show you that. We've got a brand new pad, nice and clean. We're going to spray some Wow Factor Ball Cleaner on the ball. And then we're going to wipe it off.
Now, the lane is clean. The lane gets cleaned every time they use it. The lane has clear lane oil on it. So there shouldn't be anything on this pad if the lane was what was creating all the issue. But as you can see, there's some dirt on this pad and that dirt is coming from the backstop.
We want to make sure that you keep that off your bowling ball as much as possible. The next thing you going to want to do is every three to six games, get you one of the TruCut Sanding Pads, preferably the one that's matching the grit you're looking for and apply it on the bowling ball to be able to get the bowling ball back to its original condition. If you do that every three to six games, keep your bowling ball clean and then last but not least while you're bowling, use the pad made to be used dry while you're bowling during competition, that'll help keep the black, the dirt and the oil off the ball as well. Doing all of those things is going to help give you the maximum amount of cleanliness on your bowling ball. That's going to hopefully keep your bowling ball at the surface that you want it at as long as possible.
As always, if you have more questions or need more information, make sure you check us out at CTDBowling.com Ronald Hickland, CEO from Creating The Difference. Have a great day.
so what was the grit after he cleaned it with the wow factor? did it bring it back? or do you need to sand it every 13 throws?
How does this impact the lifespan of the coverstock?
how long does a pad last?