Lying Leg Raises to Strengthen Your Knees
Leah ZahnerDescription
Lying Leg Raise 1
Start by lying flat on your back with your arms to your side. Lift your leg straight into the air and control it back down.
This exercise strengthens the front of your hip, so try not to lift higher than your hip allows. Do 15 reps before moving to the next leg lift.
Lying Leg Raise 2
For this leg raise, get on your side and wrap your shoulders tucking yourself while having your legs extended. Keeping your top leg straight, squeeze your muscles to lift your leg into the air.
This lift utilizes the outer hip muscles. Do 15 reps before moving to the next leg lift.
Lying Leg Raise 3
Staying on your side, place your top foot in front of you. This will anchor you down to the floor while you lift your other leg.
You will experience less range of motion with this leg raise while you work out your abductors. Do 15 reps before moving to the next leg lift.
Lying Leg Raise 4
Connect your feet and tuck your knees in. Your feet will stay connected while your knees come apart.
Do 15 reps before moving to lying leg raises with the opposite leg.
Check out “Leg Lifts with a Physioball” and “Single-Leg Balance Touch Exercise” for more great bowling exercise instruction from National Bowling Academy.