What’s a “Good Fit” in Bowling?
Scott PohlDescription
The flexibility of your hand should be the first agenda item you and your pro shop operator go over. Your span is the distance between the front edge of your finger holes and the front edge of the thumbhole.
If this is off in any way, your ability to consistently repeat shots is compromised and can lead to physical game problems.
Calipers are used to measure the distance between two opposite sides. Pro shop operators use calipers to determine your thumb size by measuring the narrow and wide side of your thumb.
They also use a bowling ball with different thumb sizes identified on it with measurement numbers for reference.
When you get your thumb into a hole that provides enough resistance to hold your thumb snug, but allows you the ability to exit your thumb freely, you have found the correct size for you. Whether your thumb is shaped round or oval, this process will allow for an individualized fit that will improve your game.
The angles your gripping holes are drilled into the ball affect your release. This will affect how your bowling ball will react when traveling down the lane. Pitches for these angles are based on how your hand opens and closes.
Choosing finger grips with either an oval or lift will factor into how the ball is drilled so it is important to note that you need to choose which style of finger grip you prefer before drilling begins.
Check out more expert National Bowling Academy bowling ball fit tips with “Bowling Ball Fit and Grip Pressure” and “Getting Fit for a Bowling Ball with a Wrist Device” to help improve how the bowling ball feels in your hand while improving your overall performance on the lanes.