Skin Break Products
Scott PohlDescription
This product looks like nail polish. It has a liquid that settles when you place it over the bandage (on top of your cut) that’s provided with a brush that’s attached to the cap of the bottle. It hardens on your skin, making it appear as if new skin is covering your skin break.
There may be a moment of discomfort when you first apply new skin, but it’s minor in comparison to bleeding and swelling throughout your bowling session without it.
Protective Thumb Tape
Another option for covering a cut on your thumb is protective thumb tape. You simply apply it onto your thumb over the cut and bowl. There are different colors and thicknesses. The different thickness is important because you want to be able to come out of the ball the same way you’re accustomed to without the tape on.
Thinner protective tape is known as “quick release,” and thicker thumb tape is known as “slower release.”
A lot of bowlers use both of these products together for increased performance. Whichever way you decide to go, having these in your accessory bag when a cut happens will keep you in the game and bowling at your best.