Two-Handed Bowling: Timing Tips
Scott PohlDescription
In this premium video, Scott Pohl, owner of On Track Pro Shop, answers the questions you have about timing and will help you become a more consistent two-handed bowler.
Ball-Start and Footwork
A two-handed bowler’s ball start happens later than traditional bowlers. This is one reason why they impart more revolutions on the bowling ball. The ball start should happen around the end of the second step for a two-handed bowler that uses five steps on the approach.
If you are early or late with your ball-start, your timing will be off.
Good timing occurs when your ball start is in time with your cross-over step and when the peak of your backswing is in time with your pivot step. Late ball-start can be fixed by getting your ball and feet moving quickly. To fix this, put more weight on your right foot in the stance. This helps to create a spring action, allowing your feet to catch up to the ball.
Another common problem two-handed bowlers have is elongating the ball-start. The result is pulling the ball with a weak release.
To fix this, you need to relax your arms and use less of your shoulders. Two-handed bowlers will know they have accomplished good timing when they end up in a balanced finish position with a release that is easy off their hand. Meaning you are not trying to do too much with the release; you are simply letting it roll off your hand.
Check out “Two-Handed Bowling: Ball-Start” and “Two-Handed Bowling: Timing” for more expert instruction tailored to improve your game.