A Variation on the Balancing Leg-Reaches Exercise
Leah ZahnerDescription
Bowling drills like the one-step drill and the kneel-down drill isolate portions of the physical game that train specific areas on the approach by slowing things down during the execution of the drill. Similarly to those bowling drills, leg reaches isolate and activate muscles in your legs and feet while strengthening them and ultimately increasing balance.
When muscles are balanced, you are less likely to have improper posture throughout your approach and likely will avoid falling off your shot. In this Premium video, Leah Zahner, Certified Personal Trainer (NASM), walks you through a variation of the traditional leg-reach exercise.
Step 1
Start by getting yourself into a stable position with enough room to swing your leg around you.
Step 2
With your support leg strong and the knee soft, raise your swing leg out in front of you.
Step 3
Slowly swing your toe in a circle around your body as far back as you can go and then return forward.
For an additional challenge, return the way you came.
The further you reach your swing leg back, and the further you bend your knee on the stabilizing leg, the greater the challenge will be on your core. This will result in better balance and posture.
Check out Lateral Leg Raises and Leg Over Box Step Exercise for more bowling exercises.